Ηonorable Μembers of the European Parliament,
The most of the people remember, the recent genocide by Turks, of theinnocent Greek Cypriot people after the barbaric invasion of Turkey inCyprus in 1974
The old may also remember the genocide (according to international law) ofTurkey against the 300.000 Greek (three hundred thousand) inhabitants ofConstaninople (Istanbul) during 6-9 of September of 1955. In the attachedyou may see details of this organized by Turkish regime genocide.Synoptically we had in Constaninople against the Greek Inhabitants there,during 6-9 of September of 1955:
a). Destruction and Arson of 71 Churches.
b). Destruction of 26 Schools &5Athletic Associations.
c). Destruction of 4500 Shops.
d) Destruction of 3Newspaper Offices.
e) Destruction of 12 hotels.
f). Destruction of 21factories.
g) Extensive destruction in the Greek Cemeteries.
h) looting oftombs and among them the tombs of Ecumenical Patriarchs.
i) Destruction of2100 Houses.
j). 37 deaths (the orders given were not for a massacre).
k).200 announced Rapes of Women, in fact much more.
l). Attacks to Families ofGreek Officers serving at the NATO Headquarters in Smyrna.Finally, later in the years 1963 and 1964 almost all Greeks of Constaninople(Istanbul) were obliged to leave Turkey refusing to accept to change theirreligion so as stay there.Αccording to the Lausanne Treaty of 1923
(http://wwi.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Treaty_of_Lausanne http://wwi.lib.byu.edu/index.php/Treaty_of_Lausanne) which was signed both,by Greece and Turkey, remained in Contantinople (Istanbul) in its environsand in Marmara islands (Prigiponisa, Prince Islands) 125.000 (one hundredand twenty five thousand) Greeks. They remained also 6.000 (six thousand)Greek inhabitants of at this time absolutely Greek islands of Imbros andTenedos which both remain under the Turkish regime.According also to Lausanne Treaty were excluded from the exchange ofpopulation the Muslim inhabitants of Thrace, 110.000 (one hundred and tenthousand). To both remaining people, Greeks and Muslims were given clearrights which both countries gad to respect.As it well Known Turkey never applies it' s signed treaties.Today Honorable Members of the European Parliament all Greek people whoaccording to the Lausanne Treaty of 1923 could continue to live at their formore than 3000 years mother land, was forced barbarically by Turkey toleave Turkey. As a consequence now remain living in Constaninople(Istanbul) only 5000 (five thousand) of the 125.000 Greeks who lived therein 1923 and of the 300.000 who lived there until 1963.And in the "Greek Islands" of Imbros and Tenedos remain some tens ofGreeks.And what the shame of this fascist country !!
Continuously pretends that itprotests about the human rights of Muslim people of Greek Thrace which wasnever forced to leave Greece, has all the human rights of a Greek citizenand counts today about 130.000 (one hundred and thirty thousand) people,comparatively with the about 5000 remaining Greeks in Constaninople, inMarmara islands, in Imbros island and in Tenedos island. This is Turkey !!!Of course you Know all these details your excellency Egemen Bagis effent !!
Euripides Billis
Ex-Assistant Professor National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)